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Story of Voigt Hodgson

In 1970, work began to establish a football helmet standard under the direction of Voigt Hodgson at Wayne State university. Then in September of 1973, the NOCSAE football Helmet Standard was published. This standard was not mandated by the NFHS Rules Committee until the 1980 football season, but improved and redesigned helmets had already begun to appear on the football fields across the country.

Voigt Ralph Hodgson, American biomechanics educator. Recipient Outstanding Contributions award National Federation State High Schools, 1975, Achievement award USBF, 1982; named Alumni of Year, Wayne State University, 1984. Member American Society for Testing and Materials, Society Automobile Engineering (human biological sim. subcommittee), National Operating Committee Standards for Athletic Equipment (principal investigator).



Hodgson, Voigt Ralph was born on June 7, 1923 in Turtle Creek, Pennsylvania, United States. Son of Henry Herman and Amy Amelia (Olsson) Hodgson.



Bachelor of Science in Aero Engineering, Wayne State University, 1955. Master of Science in Engineering Mechanics, Wayne State University, 1960. Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering Mechanics, Wayne State University, 1968.


Assistant professor engineering Wayne State University, Detroit, 1962-1963, research assistant engineering, 1964-1968, instructor neurosurgery, 1968-1969, assistant professor neurosurgery, 1969-1971, associate professor, 1971-1977, director Gurdjian-Lissner biomechanics laboratory, since 1972, professor, since 1977. Speaker Detroit Area High School Students, 1987.


Contributor numerous articles to professional journals, chapters to books on head and neck injury protection. Inventor humanoid head model machine for testing helmets.


Member American Society for Testing and Materials, Society Automobile Engineering (human biological sim. subcommittee), National Operating Committee Standards for Athletic Equipment (principal investigator).


Gardening, cross country skiing, biking, tennis, reading.

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