March 3, 2019
Winter Meeting 2019 – Tempe, AZ
NAERA members had a jammed packed 3 days at the 2019 NAERA winter meeting in Tempe, AZ. Members were able to take advantage of manufacturer training, a liability insurance presentation, new vendor product information and fellowship with the leaders in the sports equipment reconditioning industry.

September 1, 2022
2022 NAERA Information and Recommendations
NAERA (National Athletic Equipment Reconditioners Association), NOCSAE (National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment) and helmet manufacturers are informing you of reconditioning and recertification recommendations for football, lacrosse, baseball and softball helmets.

September 1, 2021
2021 NAERA Information and Recommendations
NAERA (National Athletic Equipment Reconditioners Association), NOCSAE (National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment) and helmet manufacturers are informing you of reconditioning and recertification recommendations for football, lacrosse, baseball and softball helmets.

September 18, 2019
NAERA Recertification and Reconditioning Recommendations
NAERA (National Athletic Equipment Reconditioners Association), NOCSAE (National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment) and helmet manufacturers would like to inform you of reconditioning and recertification recommendations for football, lacrosse, baseball and softball helmets.

November 21, 2018
NAERA Recertification and Reconditioning Recommendations
NAERA (National Athletic Equipment Reconditioners Association), NOCSAE (National
Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment) and helmet manufacturers
would like to inform you of updated standards associated with reconditioning and
recertification of football, lacrosse, baseball and softball helmets.

October 20, 2017
NAERA Statement Regarding NOCSAE Standard 6.1.1
On January 1, 2017 NOCSAE (National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment) put into effect standard 6.1.1. Based on this new standard, NAERA (National Athletic Equipment Reconditioners Association) recommends every football helmet should be reconditioned annually.

July 24, 2012
10 Years or Older Helmets
Effective beginning the 2012 reconditioning season NAERA members will not recondition/recertify any helmet: football, softball, baseball, or lacrosse helmet 10 years of age or older. The 10 years shall be determined by the manufactures date of initial season of use.